Tuesday, April 30, 2013


soo...i was studying alone at home as usual today.and yeah,lonely..bored much.then around 3 my sister and brother arrive home from school.as usual my brother went to straight to his room and play LOL (league of legend) and my lil sis so hyper today as she happy with her assessment. here the conversation.

me:how's your paper?
lil sis: too much awesome
me: lol go study for your next paper.
lil sis: okay

she make her way to room half way then she turn back.

lil sis: why you didn't go to school today
me: im on preparatory leave and the teachers would like if im not pestering around the school unless i need them to help me.
lil sis: oh i saw your classmate 'pestering' around school today
me: they whatt?
lil sis: i think almost the whole class were there
me: oh okay

*end of conversation*

Okay..they promise me to tell me when all of us will gather at school before we had our preparatory leave.but no message no text bout it.
heck no..all of them are brat.rather stay at home if nothing to do at school.
uff..idk what to say.

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