Saturday, April 27, 2013


baby + tofu?
what the hell is that? sure only kpopper or Baby to be exact (BAP fandom) understand the joke.
okay cut the crap out.

well actually that is my new friend username in this website and we just talk to each other few days ago.
fancy that we are same age and share same birth date and same nationality
freak right. haha is she my another unrelated twin? but i still can't believe we share most of our identification.
haha.okay i admit there a lot of people born same birth date with me but i never though find them and talk to them.

She totally a fun type of person,bluntly talkative and i can say she bit witty..and i love to call her names related to tofu..well mainly food name as tofu is a food.and i find tofu is a bit cute-ish. yongtaufu,taufufa tofufy. oh yeah..forgot to mention she obsess with this cheese cake,honey voice dude.Jung Daehyun BAP Lead Vocalist.

sorry black & white gif apparently available

hey tofu!
if you see this post im gladly to know you dude!
haha..even thou one day we might stop talking i swear im not gonna forget you.seriously freak.
and hope we can be a good twinnie friend.

au revior

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