Tuesday, April 30, 2013


soo...i was studying alone at home as usual today.and yeah,lonely..bored much.then around 3 my sister and brother arrive home from school.as usual my brother went to straight to his room and play LOL (league of legend) and my lil sis so hyper today as she happy with her assessment. here the conversation.

me:how's your paper?
lil sis: too much awesome
me: lol go study for your next paper.
lil sis: okay

she make her way to room half way then she turn back.

lil sis: why you didn't go to school today
me: im on preparatory leave and the teachers would like if im not pestering around the school unless i need them to help me.
lil sis: oh i saw your classmate 'pestering' around school today
me: they whatt?
lil sis: i think almost the whole class were there
me: oh okay

*end of conversation*

Okay..they promise me to tell me when all of us will gather at school before we had our preparatory leave.but no message no text bout it.
heck no..all of them are brat.rather stay at home if nothing to do at school.
uff..idk what to say.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

movin out

yeah..we just shift house yesterday and its super tiring.
i have to pack up all my books,worksheets,paper works,copy books and other school stuff.and yeah..a lot of furniture to move and its super heavy.But before that we have to go to the new house and start cleaning it first. oh yeah..im not spoiled brat so i have to mop the floor,clean the bathroom along with my brother and my sister.my mom and my dad are in our old house at that time because they need to pack foods,documents and other stuff.

and the thing is,we dont hire worker to help us to pick up stuff so all 3 of us literally have to work up to move all stuff to each room.well thank god we don't have lot of furniture but we do own lots of small stuff such as books,clothes,magazines,Lego,comics,and food. and arrange all the food back in the kitchen cabinets is super complicated when working with my mom.she is a perfectionist so she will classified the food first.the cans food,the bakery stuff, spices, bottles of sauces and ketchup  and other food stuff.
and at that moment i swear i wish i had Kai Transport power and Luhan Telekinesis power with me to fix the whole house.

and yeah..since im super tired and i couldn't sleep at all last night.yes..that is one of my weird problem with my body system. when im reach to the point im really worn out of energy i'll just lay down and blink my eyes and i totally couldn't get a sleep.so after lay down for awhile i decide to finish stacking up my books on the shelves back and i don't realize it till my mom knock the door because its already 3 in morning.
so i just grab any book,put on my headphone and lay down on my bed.I end up asleep at last.
haha, my leg are aching as i walk up and down stair a lot yesterday.thank god im on preparatory leave these days.

au revior

Saturday, April 27, 2013


baby + tofu?
what the hell is that? haha..im sure only kpopper or Baby to be exact (BAP fandom) understand the joke.
okay cut the crap out.

well actually that is my new friend username in this website and we just talk to each other few days ago.
fancy that we are same age and share same birth date and same nationality
freak right. haha is she my another unrelated twin? but i still can't believe we share most of our identification.
haha.okay i admit there a lot of people born same birth date with me but i never though find them and talk to them.

She totally a fun type of person,bluntly talkative and i can say she bit witty..and i love to call her names related to tofu..well mainly food name as tofu is a food.and i find tofu is a bit cute-ish. yongtaufu,taufufa tofufy. oh yeah..forgot to mention she obsess with this cheese cake,honey voice dude.Jung Daehyun BAP Lead Vocalist.

sorry black & white gif apparently available

hey tofu!
if you see this post im gladly to know you dude!
haha..even thou one day we might stop talking i swear im not gonna forget you.seriously freak.
and hope we can be a good twinnie friend.

au revior

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Star and Scar

the cherish dream gone
swept away by the strong typhoon
leaving an empty soul behind
crawling to search for the light
hopeless spirit awaken from broken dream
emotionless facade covering the truth
to continue the flow of life
with scars remaining the painful memory

without realizing
countless star twinkle in the dark
ready to guide a new adventure
new journey,new path,new story
for a brand new colour of dream

to think for a second
only if the typhoon didn't come
you wouldn't have the chance
to walk under the star with the scar at the same time
and change your whole world

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Preparatory Leave

Oh yeahh...im soo awesome right now.All 10th grader are given 'Preparatory Leave' or also call as 'Study Leave'.All of us done with our syllabus and get ready with our exam which is next month .holy shit.well shit or not..the exam coming.so back to the preparatory leave thingy..all of us are allowed to stay at home during school time without counting as absent.and we can come to school whenever we need the teachers to help us.awesome much huh? but still have to study at home./sigh/ im totally just wanna get rid all the papers.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

liker & hater

Each thing in this world must have so call liker and hater.And its normal actually as i can say everyone  having different way of thinking and opinion.

for example the most trending in the world now days 'Harlem Shake' and 'Gangnam Style'. Most people like it but the are some people hate it.So,take it cool the existence of hater.

But things get annoying when this 2 group react.Totally annoying.Okay i give the nearest situation that happen almost usually in my class.

Directioner VS Belieber VS Kpopper.

Man Utd. VS Chelsea VS Other football team.

Oh God..save me for stuck in between of them.They keep bickering till the end.And I saw the situation is not only happen in front of me.In Twitter,Tumblr,Facebook or any other social networking.One thing that i learn being a neutral around them.


Okay, i gotta say you guys are super cool and fun when you talk about something you like BUT all i can say stay chill dude. They hate it because they don't know any shit about what you like so they hate it. Or they knew it but they just can help to hate just how you can't help yourself like it. So set on your mind to ignore them. let them jerking themselves because they don't know what bullshit are they bullshitting about.


I can't deny your existence.And sometimes i get the idea why you being a hater. because sometimes i hate things that you like as well :PP.But please take care of your attitude.Your critic sometimes hurt other people feeling.We get it that you don't like what we like so can you please shut the fuck up?
I find you guys are bunch of annoying people.I know you hate it so keep it in your mind to keep hating it or share it with other hater.But not to liker.You insulting people.

And one other thing..is that wrong if you enjoy each other even thou you not fan of it.Like you don't like Kpop but at least when they ask opinion bout it,think rationally before talk.And is it wrong if you are kpopper, directioner and belieber at the same time?


Thursday, April 11, 2013


Wow..somehow i just realize its almost one year I'm being the ONLY Malaysian in the class. Well,sound half cool half sad thou. HA-HA. One year kinda short but also long. Well, not able to be in your own country teach a lot stuff actually. Its kinda awkward to be surrounded by other people with different nationality and language.And as I'm not an English fluent speaker at first make me more awkward around them. But hey, that's make me force to talk and yeayy i can speak English properly now days. Not like i don't know how to talk but when it come to explain stuff it become so annoyed as you suddenly lost your word and don't know how to describe something. And yeah, not able to talk in your own language also one of upsetting thing. WAIT! its not you CAN'T speak your language but NOBODY gonna understand what the heck are you blabbering alone. so yeah, loser!

Its kinda fun as well. As they well inform I'm a newbie of talking in English, they try to help me a lot. Yeah..those guys are pretty awesome. Totally fun have them around, even thou I'm not really close to all of them. And also having a title as 'The Only Malaysian' sometimes fun. My classmates also know that this is the first time i study in oversea make them drag me along with their all crazy plan. the most totally crazy i can say. Thanks guys,have fun much.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


every time we met a person,  the most common question is always.

'what is your name?'

'how old are you?'

'where are you from?'

'when is your birthday?'

and etc etc

but..do people actually care? or remember?
okay they just might want to start conversation or stuff.
so lemme introduce myself.

-unofficially 17 years old (according to the date that i post this)
-live in a planet called earth
-Malaysian but as i stated up there. Im not living in Malaysia currently.

haha thats all i guess. for more information, go to hell and check it out. jk jk