Saturday, May 18, 2013


summer is here!!
well the school is not end yet but the vibe of summer could be feel. haha
so yeah..its so hot outside now .its 45 degree now days in afternoon.
(i might evaporate if i stay outside much)
and thats keeping away all the student from walking outside of building automatically
and since its summer..the sun raise so early these day. you could see the sun rise at 4 AM
yes..freakin 4 AM..and the school start at 7.45 AM which mean you have like 3 more hour to sleep
so whenever i went outside to wait for bus..its feel like already 11 AM since the sun already up in the sky
and the temperature burning!
oh more thing,the sun set is kinda late now days making the day become longer and the night shorter.
okay guys..i better get going now
au revoir

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