Friday, November 8, 2013


i do realize that its been such a long long looongg time i didn't post a thing over here

well..a lot thing happen and im superb busy now days

but foremost..lemme recap what happen to myself back few month.

-I went back to Malaysia during summer vacation and celebrate my Eid Mubarak there
[man! its soo awesome..i miss my cousins]

- i got my O level result..
[don't ask me how is it]

-school started and doing my AS level course now
[i drop Physics!!]

-done watching Attack On Titan or known as Shingeki No Kyojin.
[ughh..that is one awesome anime even thou i hate the animation. lol]

-aannnddd!! ahah..i got my phone back!

well i thing there still alot of thing but im too lazy/tired to put it down


Monday, June 10, 2013

eating problem?

oh well..before that,im completely a normal teenage girl and i dont have any anorexia or bulimia problem.

the thing have this feeling dont wanna eat. even thou im eating,i'll eat few spoon and already full.sometimes i have this urge not to eat for a whole day.when break time,the whole class will go to cafeteria and yeah i did.but im not in mood to open my mouth and eat. idk what kind of problem do i have right now. even thou i know i'll starving in next 2 period if i dont grab anything i still dont just i dont wanna eat. i'll only eat dinner when i get home and no lunch.oh yeah..breakfast are exceptional. breakfast is a must for me. im gonna faint if i dont have my breakfast.

haishh..what a troublesome.just chew and swallow it you jerk!


/what the heck is Lulu doing here?/

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sword Art Online [ SAO ] just done watching that series. tbh,its the shortest shonen anime ever i watch.its only 25 episode and the flow of the story is not too slow but not too fast.And arghh..i really hope the Nervegear is really exist so i can fly in Al Fhiem Online. Its one of fantasy anime that i love. Kirito is soo cool.But he already taken by Asuna. haha. he only 16 thou in the anime.I might draw Kirito later.The anime teach me a lot.

Sad how its already end.But i think the ending is perfect! XD

these are the character in SAO

somehow its remind me to Air Gear anime.Too fantasy too much technology but i believe nervegear and air gear will exist soon.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


finally im done with my exam and school as well!! more waking and sleeping early.
no more study!

but im still stuck in here.
i have to wait till my siblings done with their exam
and we gonna fly back to Msia for our summer vacation

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

bo0 yeahh!

tomorrow is 23/5 which is mean i have my chemistry paper and IM SOO DONE!!!


but that just a temporary.i still have my exam on 5/6. so this is like pre-freedom /LOL/
haha..but who soo not gonna study till two day before 5/6

Saturday, May 18, 2013


summer is here!!
well the school is not end yet but the vibe of summer could be feel. haha
so yeah..its so hot outside now .its 45 degree now days in afternoon.
(i might evaporate if i stay outside much)
and thats keeping away all the student from walking outside of building automatically
and since its summer..the sun raise so early these day. you could see the sun rise at 4 AM
yes..freakin 4 AM..and the school start at 7.45 AM which mean you have like 3 more hour to sleep
so whenever i went outside to wait for bus..its feel like already 11 AM since the sun already up in the sky
and the temperature burning!
oh more thing,the sun set is kinda late now days making the day become longer and the night shorter.
okay guys..i better get going now
au revoir